2024 Student Photo Contest – Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East

2024 Student Photo Contest – Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East

Version : 1_7


Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East Student Smartphone Photo Contest (2024)



Date of commencement (登入開始) : January 15, 2024 (Monday midnight)

Date of submission deadline(截止日期) : February  19, 2024 (Monday midnight)


Date of award notice(獲獎通知) : March 6, 2024 (Wednesday, posting in RCHKIE website, and email notice)
Date of award presentation (
頒獎日期) : The week of mid-March, 2024 (date to be announced)

Date of photo exhibition (展出安排) : date to be announced in mid-March, venue to be arranged


Category of participants (參賽組別)

There are two categories for HK student smartphone photo contest :

(1)   Category 1  (中學生組) –secondary school students (F1-F6, including matriculation students), with HKID

(2)   Category 2  (小學生組) –primary school students (P1-P6), with HK school student card or HK student handbook


Submission of work (參賽作品) 學生可以遞交一幅手機攝影作品 +一幅70週年特別參賽項目

All students in Hong Kong can join once to submit a smartphone photo about local contents, and a special entry for the RCHKIE 70th anniversary event.


Note: Please submit the smartphone photo work via the following QR codes and subject to the enclosed terms and conditions.  There are some items in Forms that will require contestant to have a Google account. This  only allows the contestant to respond one time (single entry restriction), asking for email address (spam/phishing prevention), and asking contestant to upload smartphone photo (from one’s own storage).


(香港東區扶輪社網頁official website)



(聯絡電郵email enquiry)

A.     Theme of HK student photo contest (攝影主題) : 10 awards for both secondary school and primary school categories, using smartphone camera only, through a single work submission with HK local contents, no subsequent replacement)    

e.g. HK scenery (自然風景)

e.g. HK city attractions (城市魅力)

e.g. HK people / portraits  (人物/日常生活)


Special category (70週年特別獎):  there are 3 special merit awards, RCHKIE historical meeting place or past anniversary dinner venues  (https://hkie.rotary3450.org/?page_id=1786 )

B.     Photo specification  (攝影作品規格) 所有參加者必須確保作品質素符合大賽規則之標準。


(1)   Digital photo submission via smartphone

(2)   File size and format – within  20 MB of  JPEG or JPG format

(3)   Resolution(minimum) – 1,600 pixelhorizontal / landscape),or  1,600 pixelvertical / portrait

(4)   Minimal photo editing – we want to see your original photo  (not by excessive photoshop editing)


C.     Selection criteria (評審準則) conforming to the RCHKIE photo contest rules

(1)   Deadline 截止日期: February  19, 2024 (Monday midnight) – participant must be of minimum age of six (6) before deadline submission  (holding a student card, HKID or HK approved travel document )

(2)   Unpublished work (全新作品) 攝影作品從未公開only within one year (2023/Feb/19~2024/Feb/19)not an awarded photo before in previous photo contest from public

(3)   Copyright guarantee (攝影作品聲明享有著作權your original work), no infringement

(4)   Contents requirement (個人隱私/肖像權) – need to seek consent from photo object, a must for people portrait , especially from under age children)

(5)   Work inspection (得獎作品遞交原始檔) RCHKIE will require those selected photo works, upon request to have a submission of raw file (from specific smartphone device) and proof of originality, file size not smaller than 1 MB)

(6)   Judging criteria (評審準則) :(1original idea / creative ; 2photo quality; 3factual / Hong Kong related (Note: RCHKIE does not accept AI-created graphic works.)

Judgement notice will be made on or before March 6, 2024the selected work (awards) will be published in RCHKIE website and notified individually by email noticeThe panel of judge decision will be final (no appeal arrangement)

(7)   Verification and validation (作品驗證/確認) – IMEI numbers may be required to identify the mobile devices, to verify that the photo taken by smartphone (raw file) is real. Failure to provide these original photo files when requested will lead to the exclusion of the entry.

(8)   Information protection (個人資料保護) – RCHKIE will adhere to a system for managing program documentation and maintaining confidential records. Policies on the storage of electronic data and participants’ personally identifiable information would adhere to the guidelines from the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. (The contestant personal data would be deleted in 30 days after the award presentation.)  Email enquiry can be through (photocontest@hkie.rotary3450.org)

(9)   Rules of photo contest (須知) 上載作品前,請先閱讀條款及細則 In order to facilitate a fair entry and judging process, it is important that every entrant reads these entry rules and agrees to them when submitting their entry. These entry rules outline who can enter the photo contest and what can be entered.


D.     Authorization (作品授權) – Copyright holders retain copyright of their submitted photo work. For awarded entries and honorable mentions (merits), copyright holders grant the RCHKIE unlimited non-exclusive use of high-resolution photographs and Open Format entries for activities in all media, including social media, online and print, in relation to the photo contest, the exhibition, the yearbook, the public archive, and all promotional and educational activities for and under the auspices of the RCHKIE for five (5) years, without any remuneration being due.


E.     Free of liability and legal claims  (責任免除)  –  The copyright holders represent and warrant that submission of the photo entries does not breach any law, and further that no third party can hold any claims or any objections regarding the rights granted to the RCHKIE specified in photo contest terms and conditions. The copyright holders will hold the RCHKIE harmless of any claims from third parties related hereto.


F.      Terms of reference (比賽條款)  – the English version of the terms of reference is the official guide.  Any dispute arising from the Entry Rules (whether contractual or non-contractual) shall be decided solely and exclusively by the competent court of HKSAR.  The conditions set out in the Entry Rules are binding, and the RCHKIE reserves the right to refuse or exclude any entry at its own discretion.  Entry Rules of photo contest (where required) will be amended from time to time by RCHKIE, thereafter to publicize in the official website of hkie.rotary3450.org  


G.    Award (獎項)

There are awards (supermarket gift coupons & certificate of merits) to the 2 categories:

·       Champion (冠軍HK$2,500),

·       First runners-up (亞軍HK$1,500),

·       Second runners-up (季軍HK$1,000)

·       7 merit awards (優異獎HK$500 each)

·       3 special awards for 70th anniversary entry (70週年特別獎HK$500 each)


Category 1 – Secondary School students (13 awards) : 中學組冠亞季軍 + 7 名優異獎 + 370週年特別獎

Category 2 –Primary School students (13 awards) : 小學組冠亞季軍 + 7 名優異獎 + 370週年特別獎


NOTE: If RCHKIE cannot contact the awardee via their provided email address within 7 days of email notice, unable to verify the originality of the photo and the qualification (local school ID and / or HKID) of the awardee, the prize will be forfeited, without further notice.


H.    Award Presentation (頒獎典禮)  


Award presentation ceremony will be arranged in the mid March 2024, subject to future announcement.  Photo Exhibition – (venue and date to be arranged ) from mid-March 2024.   RCHKIE will provide printing and framing of all selected photo works (A3 size) in the exhibition.  In case of unforeseen situation, it may change to on-line display (when necessary) for the selected works in RCHKIE official website.

QR code 1中學生組
Photo submission (Category 1)
Secondary School Student

QR code 2小學生組
Photo submission (Category 2)
Primary School Student